Hazel Smith

Hazel Smith

Client Experience and Social Media Coordinator

My Why

Full of community spirit, Hazel joined Tea & Toast to be part of a powerhouse team of wonderful, caring women.

Born and raised in Ottawa, Hazel is a West end girl who exudes creativity and has dipped her toes in many different industries. From social services to floristry to hospitality to social media, Hazel brings a certain zest wherever she goes. 

A young Hazel completed a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Anthropology and Music (yes, she’s a trained opera singer!) at Carleton University. After moving to the Ottawa Valley and having not quite found her groove yet, Hazel participated in a volunteer trip to Zambia, working with an All Girls School, and promptly returned home and enrolled in the Social Service Worker Program at Algonquin College. Hazel had a lovely time in the Valley, working at Family and Children's Services as well as in a flower shop, and becoming a micro influencer in the social media world. When you get sent free merch and strangers start recognizing you, that’s when you’ve made it, right?!

Off work hours, Hazel is an athletic powerhouse, training for Spartan races. There’s nothing quite like conquering a race called “The Beast” or being nicknamed Hulk Hazel. And when she’s looking for something less intense, her other passion is aerial hoop (think circus.) Hazel loves to perform and hopes to compete in aerial competitions soon.

Hazel has many dog and cat nieces and nephews, and believes that “once a dog mom, always a dog mom.” 

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