C.A.R.E.S. Grant

Caregiver Assistance and Respite, Elder Support

Announcing the Tea & Toast C.A.R.E.S Grant, a lifeline for caregivers in Ottawa grappling with the challenges of providing constant care for their loved ones.

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Seniorcare professional women helping senior in a retirement home


Caregiver Assistance and Respite, Elder Support

This grant provides essential support, including financial and emotional assistance, and guidance in navigating the complexities of respite care options. It empowers caregivers to take a much-needed break, reassured that their loved ones are well cared for without the burden of additional financial strain.

The Tea & Toast C.A.R.E.S Grant is made possible through contributions made from servicing families in the Ottawa area. This ensures that every time a client is served, they are not only receiving exceptional care but also directly supporting other families in need within our community.

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*Maximum benefit of 14 days respite in a retirement home or up-to $2500 in home care services. Grant money will be paid directly to the retirement home or the home care agency.

The C.A.R.E.S Grant is available to Caregivers who are:

Caring for a senior family member or friend

Struggling to balance caregiving with other responsibilities

Struggling to balance caregiving with caring for themselves

Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or burned out due to caregiving responsibilities

Requiring guidance and assistance in accessing local support services

Open to accepting temporary relief from caregiving responsibilities

Seeking financial assistance to alleviate the financial burdens of caregiving


C.A.R.E.S. Grant

Key Features and Benefits of the grant include:

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Respite Services

Providing caregivers with access to respite care services either in the home or in a retirement home. This allows caregivers temporary relief from caregiving responsibilities to take a much-needed break, attend to personal needs, and recharge.

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Financial Assistance

Recognizing the financial challenges caregivers may face, the C.A.R.E.S. Grant offers financial assistance, helping caregivers alleviate the financial burdens associated with caregiving.

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Navigation and Education

Many families find it difficult and overwhelming to navigate the eldercare journey. Knowing which information is available and important makes all the difference for families navigating the journey.

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Peace of Mind

Knowing that your loved one is being cared for allows you the mental freedom to take time for self care, spend some extra quality time with family and ease stress and guilt.


If you've been a Tea & Toast Client or part of our community and wish to contribute to the C.A.R.E.S Grant, please consider clicking the link below to make a donation.

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(Please note, at this time we are not registered as a charity; therefore, we are unable to issue charity tax receipts.)


We extend our gratitude to our sponsors for their invaluable support, enabling us to offer this grant to more families.